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Book Review: Keep Me

Hi! 💙

First of all, I’d like to say that I was very hesitant to create this blog, however, I was determined enough to take a step forward because I really have a lot to write about. Writing has always been my way to relieve my anxiety and I believe that sharing my thoughts and feelings with others through this blog would be a great idea, instead of holding them inside my brain.  

I’m planning to speak up my mind and spot the light on any topic that crosses my mind; it could be anything – critical or fun. I’ll try to be fair and open as much as possible when tackling any topic.   

Unlike my pessimistic visions of the future, I sense this blog will be a turning point in my life and I'm being optimistic it will help me get over my fears of sharing my opinions with others.  

Thank you for reading my first blog post.  

With love, 

Mai 💕
