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Book Review: Keep Me

Book Review: Strange the Dreamer

an image of Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor Book Cover in golden and blue with butterflies on

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Fiction, Young Adult

Pages: 528

Format: eBook

My Rating: 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Wow, just wow! This is the first book I read in 2024 and I can say that it’s a powerful start for the year. Like a dream chooses a dreamer, this masterpiece chose me to read it. And I truly thank the universe for guiding me to read this novel, despite the fact I have been postponing reading it for years (shame on me). And all I can tell you is that Strange the Dreamer turned out to be the epitome of perfection; it healed my heart like honey on a wound.

First of all, I’d like to thank the author, Laini Taylor, from the bottom of my heart for gifting us this masterpiece. I haven’t read anything like that before in my entire life. And I have to confess that going into this book fully blind without reading the blurb made the whole experience even better. 

There aren’t enough words to describe how much I loved the writing style of this book. The way Strange the Dreamer is written is out of this world; it’s exquisitely lyrical and epic. This is probably the most eloquent and elegant book I’ve ever read in my entire life. 

I usually like to spoil some plot details in my book reviews, but this time I won’t cause this book is exceptional; it’s like no other book. And I’m afraid if I give you a hint of the story, my choice of words wouldn’t do the book justice. So, all I can do is encourage you to read it and indulge in its delicate beauty. 

Surprisingly, I extremely enjoyed this book in a way I didn’t expect; it evoked emotions in me that I haven’t felt before with other books. And I’m not sure which affected me more, the sweet language used throughout or the heartfelt story. But I’d say, why not both? Cause the perfect fusion left me satisfyingly impressed.

I absolutely loved everything about Strange the Dreamer, from the gripping prologue to the ending, not to mention Lazlo Strange’s obsession with the City of Weep. And if I have to mention one thing that I didn’t like about it, it would be me for being so damn late to read it. I regret every single day I wasted having this book on my reading list and completely ignoring its existence. 

Well, I have nothing more to say other than that I highly recommend Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor to the dreamy ones who appreciate heartfelt and genuine stories, written with deep passion. All I’m sure of is that this book isn’t for everyone; it’s reserved for those dreamers who would treasure the sheer beauty of its written words. This book, without a doubt, deserves more than a solid 5-star rating, it deserves all the breathtaking stars out there in the universe.
