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Book Review: Keep Me

Book Review: Horror Movie

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Genres: Horror, Fiction
Pages: 352

Well, that was… not what I signed up for. When I picked up Horror Movie as my Halloween read, I was ready for twists, maybe a ghost here or a serial killer there, something with, you know, actual horror. Instead, what I got was a marathon of cringy nothingness. Literally, nothing. I kept turning pages, desperately hoping for something to happen, but it didn’t.

I don’t know why I had high hopes that this book would keep me up all night and give me goosebumps. Oh boy! How wrong I was! The only chills I got were from sheer boredom. And yes, I DNF’d it. I was searching for the horror story between the lines, and I failed. Where was the tension? The basic plot? I couldn’t find any.

And don’t even get me started about the characters. Jesus! They were very unlikable and annoying. I felt stuck with them in this weird, repetitive screenplay with nothing but boring dialogue and scenes. I’m not sure if I was supposed to care about them, cause I actually didn’t.

I’m not sure if I missed the “horror” part, but if it was there, it was hiding better than any ghost ever. I tried to enjoy this book and finish it. I really tried. But there’s only so much lifeless screenplay and nonexistent plot.

I usually try not to rate any book I DNF, but in this case, I’m gonna slap Horror Movie with a 1-star and hope my next Halloween read is more boo and less whatever this was.
